DIY Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwiches

Since it is officially my birthday month (aka the best month of the year) I thought I would kick off the celebrations with one of the yummiest desserts of all: ice cream sandwiches!! Oh, and they are birthday cake flavored?! Count me in!

If you are a long-time follower, you may remember when I taught you how to make your very own “cake mix cookies”! If not, or if you forget how, you may want to head over and check it out, because we will be using that recipe for our ice cream sandwich!

Store bought ice cream sandwiches are cool and all (pun fully intended) but there is just something about home-made that makes them taste soooo much better! And the fact that you can completely customize flavors to exactly what you want is a game changer!

Obviously, I chose to make these ice cream sandwiches funfetti/birthday cake flavored because my birthday is at the end of this month. But I also did it because who can pass up all those beautiful sprinkles?! I swear, I would eat nearly anything if it had sprinkles on it!

Well, without further ado, let’s get baking!

Funfetti Ice Cream Sandwich

– 1 box of funfetti cake mix
– 1 carton of birthday cake ice cream
– Vegetable Oil
– Large Eggs
– Sprinkles

1.) Pre-heat oven to 350° Fahrenheit (175° Celsius)
2.) Pour the contents of the cake mix into a large mixing bowl
3.) Combine 1/2 cup of vegetable oil and two large eggs with the cake mix in the bowl. Use a mixer to blend all ingredients together until well mixed.
4.) Spray baking sheet with cooking spray.
5.) Roll cookie dough into approximately 12 different balls and arrange on the baking sheet. Leave space between each ball to allow cookies to rise.
6.) Bake cookies for approximately 10 minutes, or until cookies have a slight golden color on the top.
7.) Once cookies are cool, take one scoop of ice cream and sandwich it in between two cookies.


Now it is time to enjoy these beauties! But make sure to hurry so they don’t melt! (or before someone else eats them all!)

Photography by Auburn Artisan

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