12 Months of Violett

It’s officially been a full year of loving, squeezing, cuddling, playing, learning and growing with our sweet girl! Watching her take her first breath AND her first steps all in just one short year will never cease to amaze me! Girl, how much you have grown!!

With Violett being my second baby, I would definitely say that her first year went by so much faster than it did with her sister. I know technically it didn’t, but it sure feels that way! It makes me sad to think that she didn’t have all the same hands-on undivided attention that Scarlett had, simply because we had two kids this time around to focus on compared one. But something Violett did get was better, more experienced parents than Scarlett had. There wasn’t as much time spent navigating the whole “new parent territory”, and a little more time just enjoying her! Don’t get me wrong, Scarlett and Violett were/are TOTALLY different babies, so there was a bit of a challenge learning all of her ins and outs, but this time around we weren’t stressing about hitting milestones or worrying about allergens or any other timelines, we just enjoyed all the time we had with her! (Not to say we weren’t ever stressed, the stress was mostly from her lack of sleeping though *eye twitch*) When Violett would roll over, sit up or start talking we would just be so happy and excited for her to grow instead of wait for her to do her next thing. And I think that’s why it really flew by. We were coasting on our happiness of being a family of 4.

Violett is truly one of the happiest, sweetest babies you will ever meet! She wakes up every morning with the biggest smile on her face, and that smile just stays there all day until she is hungry, getting changed or tired again… She loves everything and everyone and it’s just so rewarding to see your baby be so happy! Even if I feel like I am doing everything wrong, being the worst parent ever or just generally feeling blue, her sweet smile sends a sunbeam straight to my soul!!!

Violett is SUCH a mommy’s girl!! Which I love!! (most of the time anyway) Right now, nothing in her world compares to her mama and it is just the sweetest (but most tiring) thing! If I enter any room, I am all she sees and she will make her way to me no matter what! But when I leave that room, or someone takes her out of that room… all hell breaks loose lol

Violett was born on my birthday last year, so this year was the first time we truly got to celebrate together (you know, without both of us laying in a hospital in diapers haha) and we had the absolute best day! As you should know by now, my birthday has always been my favorite “holiday” to celebrate, and this year was the best I ever had. It’s so funny how once you have a kid all your wants and desires become wanting your child to achieve all their wants and desires! I definitely felt that so much this year on our birthday. I usually have a meticulously scheduled day to celebrate myself every year, but this year all I wanted to do was celebrate her! Almost all day I forgot it was also my birthday because I was so excited to just celebrate hers! I got the best gift I could have ever received last birthday (her) so from here on out, I am cool with her taking over ❤


WEIGHT – 22 lbs
HEIGHT – 29 in
SIZE – 12-18 Months
EYE COLOR – Grayish Blue
NICKNAMES – V, Vivi, Vi, Viola, Viola Babe-is, Veester, Veester Seester, V money, V Girl, Littlest, Sugar, Sugs, Sugar Butt, Smile Bear, Smiles, Smiley Viley, Violi Ravioli, Chunk-a-monk, Squush-A-Mush, Fuzz Nut, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sweets, Stinks, Sissy, Cuteness Everdeen, Giant Baby (Scarlett’s nickname for her)


Isn’t officially a “walker” but able to walk short distances by herself!
Waves hi and bye
Can nod “yes” and shake her head “no”
Says: Mama, Dada, No No No and Hi
FINALLY sleeping fully through the night!
Drinking whole milk
Able to stand unassisted

What She Loves

Her Mama (Me) over everything else ❤
Her big sissy, Scarlett! And doing trying to do anything she is doing
Playing with her Dada
Making lots of noise
Having “conversations”
Eating EVERYTHING (besides rice)
Watching Ms. Rachel
Bath time
Sleeping in her crib

What She Hates

Getting dressed
Getting her hair brushed/put up
Brushing her teeth
Getting her diaper changed
Being told “no”
Not having access to her Mama at all times

Happy 1st birthday to you, sweet sweet Violett! ❤ Cannot wait to watch you grow, learn and play even more this next year 🙂

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